background image: Daniel T. Braun: TPSC III (the perfect scratch) N° 9, colorfilm/C-Print, ca. 60x90cm, 2015
Yoshio Machida
(Japan)[1967] b. Tokyo, l. Yokohama
chemigrams which the artist calls "photobatik and luminograms. E.g "mailexposure" (2004) documents the way from Europe to Japan by mails made out of photo paper. www.yoshiomachida.com
René Mächler
(Switzerland)[1936–2008] Zürich
concrete b/w photograms at exhibition "Am Nullpunkt der Photographie",1977-1997 fotostiftung.ch
"Vier senkrecht strahlend",1971, b/w luminogramm, 48 x 48 cm www.artist-info.com
videodocumentation in occasion of M.'s exhibition in Winterthur 2006 www.art-tv.ch
Martha Madigan
(USA)[1950–2022] b. Milwaukee/Wisconsin, d. Philadelphia/PA
larger plein air shadowgraphs made in the 70' and 80's with the cyanotype and Van-Dyck process. www.marthamadigan.com
b/w plant shadowgraphs from the 1980's are turned into textile designs by a fashion design company www.townandcountrymag.com
Falls Bridge (Northeast Side), June 15, 1982, outdoor cyanotype, 133 × 292.1 cm ilamuseum.org
Giovanni Manfredini
(Italy)[1963] b. Pavullo nel Frignano(MO), l. Modena & Milano
b/w body imprints www.ueber-menschen.de
Christian Marclay
(Canada)[1955] b. San Rafael/CA, l. NY
essay "Töne sehen/ Bilder hören" (1998) with b/w-photogram of transparent disc, 1990 www.foto.unibas.ch
cyanotypes of music tapes, 2008 www.whitecube.com
artist book (2022) by Patti Smith featuring thirteen colour c-print shadowgraphs by Christian Marclay www.arionpress.com
Ervin Marton
(Hungary)[1912–1968] b. Budapest, d. Paris
b/w photogram of hand with lace, between 1930 and 1960 www.stephencohengallery.com
Dóra Maurer
(Hungary)[1937] Budapest
FotópapÃron át letapogatott tárgy. 1976, b/w luminogram of thermometer web.archive.org
Shifts, series I,II,II, b/w abstract "field photograms", 1974 www.artpool.hu
Ingo Maurer
(Germany)[1932] b. Insel Reichenau, l. München
"Tableaux chinois", installation, light and shadow play with a mirror fish bassin. espace-holbein.over-blog.org
Amanda Means
(USA)[1945] b. Marion, l. NY
flower photograms 1996-98 created by putting flowers into the enlarger www.carleton.edu
Adolf de Meyer
(Germany)[1868–1949] b. Dresden, Germany, d. Los Angeles
glass shadows, photogravure 1907 (Camera Work 40, Pl. 13) www.jmcfaber.at
"The Shadows on the Wall, Chrysanthemums", photograph of projected flower shadow, platinum print, ca. 1906 metmuseum.org
Nino (Antonio) Migliori
(Italy)[1926] Bologna
Ossidazione, 1948 www.fotochepassione.com
Ossidazione, 1948, chemigram www.cultframe.it
Garry Fabian Miller
(UK)[1957] b. Bristol, l. London
Solar Eclipse Series, Light,ilfochrome photograms, 1999 www.phhfineart.com
Petworth House Series, ilfochrome photograms of a screen of wood obstructions exposed in the moonlight, 1999/2000 www.clevelandart.org
Cut Flower Blue, Lincolnshire, Spring 1985, ilfochrome photogram www.oxygen.force9.co.uk
David M. C. Miller
(Canada)[1960] b. Montreal
cliché verre on c-print paper, 1997-98 www.lonsdalegallery.com
"Collecting Shadows", exhibition with multiexposures on c-print, 2000 www.plugin.org
Ryuji Miyamoto
(Japan)[1947] Tokyo
"Pinhole Naoshima" & "Sagacho Shokuryo Building. Tokyo, 29 October", mix of pinhole and body shadowgraph on ilfochrome, 2002, 226 x 318 cm www.taronasugallery.com
ilfochrome body shadowgraph made in a large card box camera obscura, 2002 okunoshima-artproject.com
shadowgraphs of dead birds and insects, exhibited parallel to his Kobe photographs at Amador Gallery 2010 luxe64.wordpress.com
Curtis Moffat
(USA)[1887] Edgartown, MA
Abstract Compositions (1925), b/w shadowgraph of dragonfly and cliché verre/papier of drawing www.vam.ac.uk
Mina Mohandes
(Iran)[1965] l. Vienna/A
color chemigram on c-print paper, 1999 www.basis-wien.at
Achim Mohné
(Germany)[1964] b. Bochum, l. Cologne
Lasergraphs,b/w & colour sheet film exposed to laser light www.achimmohne.de
photogram position III featuring M.'s lasergraphs (2004) www.shadowgraph.org
Laszlo Moholy-Nagy
(Hungary)[1895–1946] b. Bácsborsòd, d. Chicago
Site of the Moholy-Nagy-Foundation providing basic information about M-N and presenting some of his shadowgraphs in a timeline www.moholy-nagy.org
two new year cards 1937 & 1938 with shadowgraphs made by MN and his wife Sibyl maas.museum
The mirror, enlarged positive b/w photogram, 1928 (orig. 1922-23),ca. 67x92 cm www.getty.edu
Hand and paintbrush, 1926 www.metmuseum.org
untitled positive shadowgraph, 23.7 x 17.8 cm, ca. 1922-1924 www.nga.gov
shadowgraphs from 1922-1943 including an early exemplar (14 x 9 cm) on printing out paper (collodion) www.artic.edu
untitled b/w shadowgraph of cut out transparencies and textiles, 50.6 x 40.3 cm, 1939 www.clevelandart.org
"self portrait", reprint (1973) of b/w-shadowgraph of a head from 1925 www.jmcfaber.at
"Photogram self-portrait", 37,3 x 25,3 cm, 1926 cs.nga.gov.au
Daro Montag
(UK)[1959] b. Rickmansworth, l. Islington
"Bioglyphs", chemigrams caused by interaction of microorganisms with slide film, 1994-2000 www.microbialart.com
(Universe)[] b. solar system, milkiway ca. 4,6 billion a.Chr.
Total Eclipse of the Sun as seen by Meteosat-7 on 26 February 1998 between 14:30 and 21:00 UTC oiswww.eumetsat.org
Barbara Morgan
(USA)[1900–1992] b. Buffalo/Kansas, d. NYC
b/w shadowgraphs and luminogram, 1969-72 www.brucesilverstein.com
Michaela Moscouw
(Austria)[1961] Vienna
"33", body shadowgraph and exposed objects wrapped in photopaper: "Sessel", "Badewanne", 1999 www.fotogalerie-wien.at
"Plattdrucke" from thes series Portraitstücke, 1998, b/w shadowgraphs from heads web.archive.org
Ugo Mulas
(Italy)[1928–1973] b. Pozzolengo, d. Milano
article about the "verifiche" with a clich�e verre of broken glass www.exibart.com
essay about M.'s cycle "Verificazione" containing a clich�e of an empty 35 mm b/w film, 1971 www.museodellafotografia.it
"Omaggio a Niepce" in "Le verifiche", clich�e verre of film strips azioinwind.libero.it
Otto Müller-Eibenstock
(Germany)[1898–1986] b. Dorfstadt, d. Zwickau
A 10 F10 (Kreise), b/w shadowgraph, 1925, 14,1 x 9,2 cm kupferstich-kabinett.skd.museum
Andreas Müller-Pohle
(Germany)[1951] b. Braunschweig, l. Göttingen
Cyclograms, 1991-94, mix of chemigram and photogram of shredded photographs www.equivalence.com
Wolfgang Münch
(Germany)[1963] Karlsruhe
"bubbles", interactive installation working the shadows of the visitor, ZKM 2000 osting.zkm.de