Fabio Sandri
(Italy)[1964] b. Valdagno (Vicenza), l. Montecchio Maggiore (VI)
"stanze", b/w shadowgraphs capturing the floor of whole rooms (2004-07) and further recent works based on light sensitive materials www.artericambi.com
"Fotogrammi", huge foled b/w paper works, presented in part as sculptures, 1989 www.fabiosandri.com
Ikufumi Sasaki
(Japan)[1973] Niigata
shadowgraphs in b/w & colour of different natural objects like flowers, jellyfishs etc. (also x-ray) www002.upp.so-net.ne.jp
Ulf Saupe
(Germany)[1979] b. Halle/Saale, l. Berlin
"Waterdrops", b/w shadowgraphs enlarged as cyanotypes, 2015 alkingaboutart.de
Pierre Savatier
(France)[1954] b. Poitiers, l. Montreuil-sous-Bois.
photogram of scarf cloth, b/w and ilfochrome, 1994-2001 www.vasistas.org
b/w and ilfochrome shadowgraphs (1994-2009) experimenting with patterned scarfs, water drops and glass marbles www.jeanbrolly.com
"Goutes d'eau", b/w shadowgraphs of water drops on photopaper, 91x91cm, 1998, artist page comprising b/w and colour shadowgraphs from 1992-2010 www.pierresavatier.com
Alan Scarritt
(USA)[1945] b. Oak Park/IL, l. NYC
untitled, b/w shadowgraph of water surface with whirling hands, 20x24", 1983 bombmagazine.org
Beate Schachinger
(Austria)[1957] b. Vienna, l. Vienna & Breitenfurt
"Waldrebe", cyanotype, 1993 www.fotogalerie-wien.at
Christian Schad
(Germany)[1894–1982] b. Miesbach, d. Stuttgart
Shadowgraphs "JeudiIV" & "Transmission Ischiatique", 1919 www.metmuseum.org
Schadographie Nr.25, 1919, positive copy www.getty.edu
Schadograph Nr.2, contact collage of newspaper cutouts on printing-out-paper, 1919. www.moma.org
Schadograph Nr. 11 www.christian-schad-museum.de
Onéirodynie en Kova,Schadograph N°15, Geneva 1919, collage like contact copy of journal cut out on printing out paper digital.kunsthaus.ch
Ditmar Schädel
(Germany)[1960] b. Stade, l. Kevelaer
different public installations with b/w body photograms, 1990's. www.ditmar-schaedel.de
Liddy Scheffknecht
(Austria)[1980] l. Vienna
installations and video works dealing with shadows (since 2001), e.g. a record of a football game reduced to the player's shadows www.liddyscheffknecht.ne
Gary Schneider
(South Africa)[1954] b. East London, l. New York
shadowgraph and chemigraphic imprint of hand with heat and sweat effects, 1996-2011 ephendaitergallery.com
Eva-Maria Schön
(Germany)[1948] b. Dresden, l. Berlin
Im Raum, series of combined b/w chemigrams and shadowgraphs of hands, 2003 www.evamariaschoen.de
Volker Schreiner
(Germany)[1957] b. Isingerrode/Harz, l. Braunschweig
"Bright Box", b/w video of moving hand shadows, 1990, 3min 15 sec www.exquise.org
drawings/ story board for "Bright Box", 1990 www.volkerschreiner.de
Marie Sester
(France)[1955] b. Mulhouse, l. New York City
Artifice and Sensation, 1999, video work integrating X-rayed luggage and vehicles www.sester.net
Stefanie Seufert
(Germany)[1969] b. Göttingen, l. Berlin
Towers, 2015/16, sculptures made of folded c-print paper luminograms demnaechst.stefanieseufert.de
Arthur Siegel
(USA)[1913–1978] b. Detroit, d. Chicago
untitled, b/w shadowgraph created by multiexposure of human head, ca. 1937 www.ubugallery.com
abstract multiexposure b/w shadowgraph, 1945/46 ephendaitergallery.com
Henry Holmes Smith
(USA)[1909–1986] b. Bloomington, ILL, d. San Rafael, CA
b/w cliché verres, made with syrup and liquids on a a glass plate, 1949-72 www.artnet.de
Serge Spitzer
(Romania)[1951] b. Bucharest, l. NY
Quiver, Rustle, Tremble, Stir, 2003 – 2006, shadow play with ping pong balls on the glass ceiling of the MMK Frankfurt www.mmk-frankfurt.de
Julius Stahl
(Germany)[1978] b. Witten, l. Berlin & Dresden
various shadowgraphic and luminographic works related to sound, 2014-today www.juliusstahl.de
Hermann Stamm
(Germany)[1953] b. Kulmbach, l. Weimar
"Wirbelgang",b/w body shadowgraph, 1996, DASA, Dortmund, 16 sqm www.uni-weimar.de
Anton Stankowski
(Germany)[1906–1998] b. Gelsenkirchen, d. Esslingen
"Erbsenschote", b/w photogram of peapod, 1928 www.stankowski-stiftung.de
"Stecknadeln",b/w photogram of fixing pins, 1929, 30 x 24 cm www.bernhardknaus-art.de
Glasei, b/w photogram of glass egg, 1927, 26,8 x 20,1 cm www.stormsgalerie.de
Elfriede Stegemeyer
(Germany)[1908–1988] b. Berlin-Charlottenburg, d. Innsbruck
b/w photograms from the thirtys www.germangalleries.com
Edward Steichen
(USA)[1879–1973] b. Bivange (LX), d. West Redding, CT
"Silk Design", photographed shadow of spectacles, b/w print, 1926 eastman.org
Ralph Steiner
(USA)[1899–1986] b. Cleveland, d. Vermont
abstract shadow photgraph "The Beater and the Pan", 1921 www.museumofnewmexico.org
complete artist book "The Beater and the Pan", 1921-22 www.sfmoma.org
Otto Steinert
(Germany)[1915–1978] b. Saarbrücken, d. Essen
"Photogramm", b/w shadowgraph, 1947 www.artnet.de
August Strindberg
(Sweden)[1849–1912] Stockholm
The Celestographs of August Strindberg, essay by Douglas Feik www.cabinetmagazine.org
two celestographs defined as "fotogramy",1894 and one chrystal cliché verre, about 1890 www.zwoje-scrolls.com
Kunie Sugiura
(Japan)[1942] b. Nagoya, l. NY
Untitled Positive,toned flower photogram, 1996 www.carleton.edu
installation of Kitten Papers (1992) at Aichi Arts Center 8/1998 http:
HOPPINGS 1996, hand-toned 'positive photograms'of frogs www.photoarts.com
Stacks Lilies, b/w shadowgraph, 1996 www.artnet.com
b/w full body shadowgraphs of prominent people like Yayoi Kusama, 2002-2003 www.tonkonow.com
review on Sugiura's retrospecitve at Tokyo Photographic Art Museum www.realtokyo.co.jp
Charles Swedlund
(USA)[1935] b. Chicago, l. Southern Illinois
Untitled, whole body shadowgraph of the artist's sun as a baby, 1957 www.bauhaus.de
Alan Archibald Campbell Swinton
(UK)[1863–1930] b. Edinburgh
first X -ray positive of the human hand in England, 13 January 1896 www.scienceandsociety.co.uk
X-rays from the hands of Robert Arthur Talbot Gascoyne-Cecil, Arthur James Balfour, William Crookes, William George Armstrong and William Thomson, 1896 rints.royalsociety.org
Negative Discharge, 1892 www.we-find-wildness.com