Eduard Valenta
(Austria)[1857–1937] Wien
Zwei Goldfische und ein Seefisch (Christiceps argentatus), photogravure made from X-ray, 1896 www.geh.org
Tabelle der Durchlässigkeit von verschiedenen Substanzen gegen Röntgenstrahlen, 1896, Heliogravure of experiment with x-ray penetrability ammlungenonline.albertina.at
Solfisch (Pleurinectes solea), photogravure from X-ray, 1896 www.josephbellows.com
Versuche über Photographie mittelst der Röntgen’schen Strahlen, review on the albumen in the collection of the NMM Bradford yperallergic.com
Arie van 't Riet
coloured X-rays (since 2007) of flowers and animals also combined in so called "bioramas" www.xrayimagesofnature.nl
Samuel van Hoogstraten
(Netherlands)[1627–1678] Dordrecht
engraving: "The Shadow Dance", 1675 a.parsons.edu
"Shadowdance", engraving in the book "Inleyding tot de hooge schoole der schilderkonst", 1678 wwwextern.ubn.ru.nl
Cheryl Van Hooven
(USA)[1948] Chicago
Untitled (Light Drawing),b/w,1985 www.carleton.edu
Jindřich Vávra
(Czechia)[1928–2001] Prague
serial b/w shadowgraphs, 1963-65, www.sudek-atelier.cz
Luigi Veronesi
(Italy)[1908–1998] Milano
Studio Cinetico/ Natura/ Fotogramma, photograms and light drawing, 1937 - 1951 www.newsletter-pixel.it
b/w positive photogram of a transparent spiral, 1936 www.agendavenezia.org
positive colour photogram (ca. 1960's) www.fbarte.com