Lotte Jacobi
(Germany)[1896–1990] b. Thorn (Prussia), d. Deering/N.H.
Photogenics, b/w shadowgraphs, 1946 and later www.luminous-lint.com
Gottfried Jäger
(Germany)[1937] b. Magdeburg, l. Bielefeld
personal webpage with luminograms and works between cameraobscura and clichée verre, 1960-today www.gottfried-jaeger.de
concrete works, 1984,1996,1987,1967 ms-collection.de
"Lochblendenstrukturen", b/w photograms and luminograms, 1973-2006 www.kunstmarkt.com
feature about numerous works starting in 1965, among other early experiments with colour and on bw film www.photoeditionberlin.com
Robert Janker
(Germany)[1894–1964] b. München, d. Bonn
"Röntgenfilm I - Das Verdauungssystem", 1936, Reichsstelle für den Unterrichtsfilm, 11 min. www.fleischarchive.org
Bertha E. Jaques
(USA)[1863–1941] l. Covington/OH, d. Chicago
9 plant cyanotypes of various species as milkweed mods, blossom of the chandelier or dandelion seeds, ca. 1910 americanart.si.edu
Plant study, ca. 1910, resentationhousegallery.org
Jesus Christ (presumed)
(Israel)[–0036] b.Betlehem, d. Jerusalem
portal to "The shroud of Turin", body chemigram supposed to be caused by vapor www.shroud.com
Calvert Richard Jones
(UK)[1804–1877] b. Swansea (Wales), d. Bath
Lime leaf, photogenic drawing, salted paper print from calotype negative, ca. 1845 collections.vam.ac.uk