Daniel Ranalli
(USA)[1946] b. New Haven CT, l. Cambridge MA
b/w photograms made with strips of mat card board, 1975 - 1984 www.danielranalli.com
Paul Rand
(USA)[1914–1996] b. New York, d. Norwalk/Connecticut
shadowgraph design for a cigar box cover, 1957 de.phaidon.com
Robert Rauschenberg
(USA)[1925–2008] b. Port Arthur/TX, l. Captiva Island/FL
Booster from the series Booster and 7 Studies. 1967. Lithograph and screenprint from x-ray of a human skeleton, ed. 38 www.moma.org
Untitled (Sue), 1950, body shadowgraph on blueprint paper www.guggenheim-bilbao.eus
"Booster", colour lithograph with x-ray of human skeleton, 1967 earchthecollection.nga.gov.au
Rauschenberg capturing a human form on blueprint paper coincidences.typepad.com
Man Ray
(USA)[1890–1976] b. Philadelphia, d. Paris
database which indicates 55 rayographs and 13 clichés verres, 1917-1961 www.manray-photo.com
Champs Délicieux, album of 12 rayographs (1922). By the authorization of Man Ray this exemplar got a new case in 1967. www.getty.edu
Hands, b/w shadowgraphs with hands, chopsticks and meal, ca. 50.5x40.5 cm, 1966 earchthecollection.nga.gov.au
Man Ray kissing Kiki, rayograph, Paris 1922, b/w, 24,1 x 29,8 cm, MoMA www.moma.org
Untitled (Rayograph), 1922, featured in "photogram aesthetic", Museum of New Mexico www.museumofnewmexico.org
rayograph with geometrical forms, unique print showing developer traces, 1923-28, 49 x 39.8cm www.metmuseum.org
portfolio "Man Ray: 12 Rayographs. 1921-1928", Schubert & Kapitzki, Stuttgart, 1963 www.geh.org
"Return to Reason", experimental film with sequences of objects exposed directly on the film stock, 1923 www.medienkunstnetz.de
Champs Delicieux, Album N°3/40, 1922. The little feature shows also a letter from MR mentioning his work on the edition. library.osu.edu
Jürgen Reble
(Germany)[1956] l. Bonn
This sites shows chemigrams on celluloid - a certain kind of "alchemist" film, 1989-2009 www.filmalchemist.de
Isaac A. Rehn
(USA)[1815–1883] Philadelphia
Lygodium Icandeus, ca. 1865 albumen plant photogram, 35.5 x 43.8 cm americanart.si.edu
Wolfgang Reichmann
(Austria)[1962] b. Villach, l. Vienna
photograms that are not developed but fixed, 1998/2002 www.jmcfaber.at
Long exposure shadowgraphs which are not developed but fixed resulting in tones from violet to orange. www.reichmann.cx
Gerardo Repetto
(Argentina)[1976] b. Villa Huidobro, l. Cordoba
222 Fosforos, serial b/w photograms with matches, after 2000 www.ehgaller.com.ar
Józef Robakowski
(Poland)[1939] b. Poznan, l. Lodcz
1958-1967 "FOTO-MALARSTWO" - photo paintings, 1969-1979 FOTO-FILMY - photograms, 1998-2000 TERMOGRAMY ("Hot images" made with thermosensitive emulsions) robakowski.eu
Eugène Auguste Albert de Rochas d'Aiglun
(France)[1837–1914] b. St. Firmin (Hautes-Alpes), d. Grenoble
Drawing of light "odiques," taken from "Le Fluide des magnétiseurs", 1891 (picture on page 2!) web.archive.org
Aleksandr Michailowitch Rodchenko
(Russia)[1891–1956] b. Petrograd, d. Moscow
Silhouette of Vladimir Mayakovsky, Photogram for a book cover design, 1939-40, b/w, 11 1/4" x 9 1/2" web.archive.org
Varvara Rodchenko
(Russia)[1894–1958] b. Kaunas, d. Moscow
bw shadowgraphs, mainly with plants, 1978-92 www.mamm-mdf.ru
Franz Roh
(Germany)[1890–1965] b. Apolda (Thüringen), d. München
untitled shadowgraph of knife, fork, spoons and keys,17.8 x 23.9 cm, 1920's www.metmuseum.org
Gustavo Romano
(Argentina)[1958] b. Buonos Aires, l. Madrid
"La tarde de un escritor", x-ray video of a writing hand, 1998 gustavoromano.org
Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen
(Germany)[1845–1923] b.(Remscheid-)Lennep, d. München
very large positive view on the hand of Mrs. Wilhelm Roentgen: the first X-ray image, 1895 www.nlm.nih.gov
First X ray made in public: positive hand of Albert von Kölliker, 23 January 1896, pdf, p.15 www.slac.stanford.edu
positive copy of X-ray from R�ntgen wife's hand, December 1895 www.scienceandsociety.co.uk
Alison Rossiter
(USA)[1953] b. Jackson/MI, l. New Jersey
Lament, cycle of developed photographic papers expired for decades, 2007-2008 www.alisonrossiter.com
Theodore Roszak
(USA)[1907–1981] b. Poznań (PL), d. New York
b/w shadowgraphs from 1937-41 web.archive.org
Tim Otto Roth
(Germany)[1974] b. Oppenau, l. Oppenau & Cologne
Forget all you know about photograms: shadowgraphs in motion created in real time exposing objects on videochips, 2000-2007 www.jenseits.net
ars umbra - overview of TOR's shadowgraphic oeuvre including early scanner works and plancton luminograms www.imachination.net
Review by the Washington Post of the exhibit "Light From the Other Side", Jan. 2017, Goethe Institut, Washington D.C. www.washingtonpost.com