Wolf Kahlen
(Germany)[1940] b. Aachen, l. Berlin
"Lichteinfälle", clichée verres of starts and ends of celluloid film strips, 1972-1980 www.kmza.de
Bill Kane
(USA)[1951] b. Holden/MA, l. Petaluma/CA
large format combine b/w photograms of bicycles with neon light (1982/83); photographs of "Window Shadows" (2001) billkaneart.com
Farah Karapetian
(USA)[1978] b.Marin, CA, l. LA, CA
large shadowgraphs on colour paper, 2011-present. www.farrahkarapetian.com
shadowgraphs on c-print paper (2011-today), including with "Riot Police" (2011) a shadowgraphic record of a performance www.vonlintel.com
Barbara Kasten
(USA)[1936] b. Chicago, l. Chicago
Screen Cyanotypes,folded screens and chemical experiments on cyanotype,1970's www.barbarakasten.ne
György Kepes
(Hungary)[1904–2001] b. Selyp, d.Boston (US)
b/w photogram with head, 1937-39 intermedia.c3.hu
"Untitled", b/w-photogram, 15 1/2 x 11 5/8", 1957 www.decordova.org
abstract photograms and a mulitexposure photogram with a human head named "The Two Faces of Juliet", 1937-1940 www.stephendaitergallery.com
André Kertész
(Hungary)[1894–1985] b. Andor (HU), d. NYC
Chez Mondrian, shadow photograph of Mondrian with sculpture, 1926 www.nga.gov
Willy Kessels
(Belgium)[1898–1974] b. Termonde, d. Brussels
Photogram n° 69, 1953, b/w, 9 cm x 12 cm www.photoconnexion.com
Edmund Kesting
(Germany)[1892–1970] b. Dresden, d.Birkenwerder
Chemical painting, 1950 www.philosophia-online.de
Fisch, b/w photogram (1929-33) www.ubugallery.com
Gunther Keusen
(Germany)[1939] b. Düsseldorf, l. Münster
Lichtbilder 1961-1965, catalogue of his b/w-photograms, 1999 www.salon-verlag.de
Untitled (First photogramm), 1960 cms.ifa.de
Alexander Kitaev
(Russia)[1952] St. Petersburg
b/w photograms espescially from glasses geocities.com
Jürgen Klauke
(Germany)[1943] b. Kliding, l. Köln
"pro securitas", works made with a x-ray scanner for luggage control screening, 1987-93 www.sollertis.com
Jonathan Kline
(USA)[1954] b. Buffolo, l. NY
Hair VIII, Hair V, Hair VII, 1996 silver salted mylar prints www.carleton.edu
Bela Kolářová
(Czechia)[1923–2010] b. Terezín, d. Prague
Rontgenogram Kruhu (Radiogramme du cercle), 1963, b/w luminograms playing with rotation collection.centrepompidou.fr
"light drawings" from the 1968 series "Fractions of Time" www.praguepost.com
Karl Georg Walter König
(Germany)[1859–1936] b. Berlin, d. Gießen
"Damenhand im Handschuh mit Blumenstrauß", positive x-ray from the edition "14 Photographien mit Röntgen-Strahlen: aufgenommen im Physikalischen Verein zu Frankfurt aM", 1896 rs1.phy.tu-dresden.de
Miloš Koreček
(Czechia)[1908–1989] b. Prostějov, d. Brno
"Fokalk", b/w-chemigram, Brno 1946, 23,4 x 17,3 cm www.jmcfaber.at
Fokalke, 1988, b/w chemigram, 26,5 x 19,5 cm www.internationalauctioneers.com
gelatinepainting, 1974, b/w www.artbohemia.cz
Eva-Fiore Kovacovsky
(Switzerland)[1980] b. Switzerland, l. Berlin
Vernal Unfolding, double exposure c-prints combining photographs and shadowgraphs of beech trees, 2023 www.kovacovsky.com
Henrike Kreck
(Germany)[1973] Saarbrücken
contact copies of body imprints, toned b/w 100*200 cm, 1995-2003 www.henrike-kreck.de
Hermann Krone
(Germany)[1827–1916] b. Breslau, d. Laubegast bei Dresden
"Herschel-Hunt: Cyanotypie, mit Kaliumferricyanid. 1836 - 1839", wall chart with cyanotypes www.iapp.de
Hans Kupelwieser
(Austria)[1948] b. Lunz am See, l. Vienna
"Bar", installation with large b/w-photogram of chairs (2001), enlarged shadowgraphs of spaghetti www.fotogalerie-wien.at
Contact copies of plastic bags on colour negative or negative silhouettes of potatoes realized in enamel on glas, 1994/2004 www.museum-joanneum.at
b/w shadowgraphs in a variety of techniques, partly enlarged or in combination with sculpture, 1990 untill today www.kupelwieser.at
enlarged and cutout b/w shadowgraph of spaghetti www.photomonitor.co.uk
various shadowgraphs presented in relation to sculpture, among others b/w shadowgraphs of food on china plates (2018). www.w-k.art
Vollrad Kutscher
(Germany)[1945] b. Braunschweig, l. Frankfurt a. M.
Séances en chambre noire, performances with body photograms on b/w canvas, since 1989 www.vollrad-kutscher.de