Gerhard Lang
(Germany)[1963] b. Jugenheim, l. Schloss-Nausesrgstraße, l. Schloss-Nauses (Otzberg)
"The signature of night - Photofettograms", performative photograms and imprints of a greased person sleeping for a night on b/w photopaper, 1987 www.gerhardlang.com
Anna Lascari
(Greece)[1962] b. Athens, l. Athens & New York
My Left Foot, 1994, sculpture with x-ray of a foot www.artpool.hu
Max von Laue
(Germany)[1879–1960] b. Pfaffendorf, d. Berlin Dahlem
Laue-Diagramm Nr. 5, X-ray cristallography, 1912 www.physik.uni-frankfurt.de
first X-ray crystallography signed by Max von Laue, 1912 userpage.chemie.fu-berlin.de
Jason Lazarus
(USA)[1975] b. Chicago
Heinecken Studies, shadowgraphs of H.'s ashes on c-print paper, 20 x 24", 2010 jasonlazarus.com
Mathew Carey Lea
(USA)[1823–1897] Chestnut Hill (Philadelphia)
Mungo Ponton print of a plant, estimated 1841 www.chemheritage.org
Helmut Lederer
(Hungary)[1911–1999] b. Eger/d. Erlangen (Germany)
"Spinnen" (spider), b/w-photogram,1950 ypo3.ifa.webart.de
Jochen Lempert
(Germany)[1958] l. Hamburg
"Beyond the signs" feature about L.s work with glowworms and bioluminescent plankton (positions II) www.photogram.org
Daniel Levin
(USA)[1976] b. Evanston/Illinois, l. NY
Polar Revelation (In Stereo), 2000, polarized clichée verre on color paper www.carleton.edu
Mark Lewis
(Canada)[1957] b. Hamilton, l. London
"Rush Hour, Morning and Evening", projection in the public space showing a film of long human shadows in the street, 2005-06 www.modusoperandi-art.com
"Rush Hour, Morning and Evening, Cheapside" (2005), extract of the movie www.marklewisstudio.com
Kalin Lindena
Gehtanz, installation with positive and negative shadowgraphs of live-size sculptures, partially painted, 2011 nagel-draxler.de
Ute Lindner
(Germany)[1968] b. Arnsberg/Westfalen, l. Berlin
"Cyanograms", changing cyanotype chemigrams almost as glass or wall paintings, 1994-2005 www.ute-lindner.de
Belichtungszeiten, 1995-2001, imprint of the picture frames in museum's wall textiles www.ute-lindner.de
Paul Lindner
(Germany)[1861–1945] b. Gießmannsdorf, d. Freiburg
"Hellschattenaufnahme", b/w shadowgraph of moss, www.domenicojacono.com
shadowgraph from feather (ca. 1914-15), first preserved original discovered in 2008 in the Deutsche Museum accea.info
Kenneth A. Linn
(USA)[1906–1981] New York
Flower--abstract, b/w photogram 1929 dl.loc.gov
Joachim Lischke
(Germany)[1923] b. Breslau/ l. Saarbrücken
Luminogramm B I, 1950, b/w (photograms of transparent pieces put in a camera between film and optics) cms.ifa.de
Edgar Lissel
(Germany)[1965] b. Northeim, l. Vienna
L. constructs a camera obscura around museum objects, the objects are documented as photograms, the outside via pinhole www.westwerk-hamburg.de
�Räume-Fotografische Dekonstruktionen� (1996/97) & �Räume aus Glas� (1999/2002) � rooms as camera obscuras with household stuff as photogram objects; �Vanitas� (2001/02) � photograms on light sensitive bacteria. www.edgarlissel.de
special edition #5: Räume/Rooms 1996-2000 by Eikon, Wien 2000 www.eikon.at
Bakterium Vanitas, 2001-02, photogram of rotting fish recorded by light sensitive bacteria www.photoeditionberlin.com
announcement of the Schober award for "Bakterium-Vanitas" and "Domus Aurea", 2007 www.dgph.de
El (Lazar Markovich) Lissitzky
(Russia)[1890–1941] b. Polschinok, d. Moscow
El Lissitzky, ohne Titel (Pelikan-Reklame), 21x15cm, 1924 www.christies.com
Ohne Titel, 1924/25, b/w photogram of glasses, 8,9 x 12,9 cm www.kunstmarkt.com
Albert Londe
"main sexdigitaire", positive print of a hand's radiograph, 1896. www.courses.fas.harvard.edu
Rafael Lozano-Hemmer
(Mexico)[1967] b. Ciudad de Mexico, l. Madrid
giant, media based performances playing with the human shadows in public space: "body movies", "re:positioning fear", "frequency and volume", 2001-2006 www.lozano-hemmer.com
"Body Movies", shadow installation in public space, Rotterdam 2001 v2.nl
Len Lye
(New Zealand)[1901–1980] b. Christchurch, d. New York
Film Strips from Color Cry, 1952, colour photogram movie, 3 min. www.sensesofcinema.com
Still from Color Cry, 1952 www.rouge.com.au
b/w positive and negative portrait photograms of heads (Corbusier, O'Keefe, Auden and his wife) 1947 www.govettbrewster.com