Brian O'Connell
(USA)[1972] b. Leuwen (BE), l. NYC
Case 111, colour shadowgraphs of a changing glass box on c-print paper, 2007 & Details, long time exposure cyanotype series created in NYC, 2009 www.boconnell.org
Taiyo Onorato & Nico Krebs
(Switzerland)[] l. Berlin
shadow tables (2011), installation with positive b/w shadowgraphs of glass objects [slide 7-9] onk.ch
Meret Oppenheim
(Switzerland)[1913–1985] b. Berlin, d. Bern
"Skull", 1964, x-ray www.omkonst.com
Hanno Otten
(Germany)[1954] Köln
colour field filter works at Janet Borden/NY www.artnet.com
enlarged colour filter compositions and superposition on ilfochrome janetbordeninc.com
Colorblock, filter works on ilfochrome, 1992-2007 annootten.de